Circle of Friends is an RN owned an operated residential care home. It is an alternative to the institutional environment of traditional Long Term Care facilities. We protect the dignity, individuality and privacy of each of our residents while striving to support and maintain their independence with the highest quality of life.

Because of the small, intimate, home environment, our residents truly become a part of our family. Our caring staff is well-trained in interacting and supporting the elderly and meeting the resident’s individual needs on a one-to-one basis.

Our resident-centered care increases the resident’s autonomy and sense of control. We nurture and encourage growth that is satisfying, humane and meaningful. Our safe and secure home is specially designed as a place to live and thrive.

A Place Where Residents Can Thrive

We believe in creating a loving environment that maximizes each resident's potential.  We don't want our residents to feel at home, but to be at home, and to live the end of their lives well.  Quality of life is not only at the Garden Club at 3pm, but also ongoing throughout the day in our care, our attitude, our engagement, and through the structured and non-structured activities we put forth. 

Our team focuses on what the resident can do.  They fulfill and enrich our residents' lives by promoting a positive sense of well-being- "friendship is the best medicine".   We want them safe, comfortable, loved and accepted, where their strengths are known, their contributions are recognized, and their identity and concept of self and worth are reinforced. 

Who I Am

Circle of Friends is owned and operated by Annie Cotrau, a Register Nurse with over 25 years’ experience in Geriatric Care and Management. Her calling is to maintain the quality of life of our aging senior residents, to love, to serve, to influence, to bless, and to make a difference in their lives.